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Researchers and specialists discuss the role of entrepreneurship in supporting the local development process in Algeria

This morning, 06/02/2023, the Rector of the University of Blida 2 Lounici Ali,
Prof. Khaled Ramoul, launched the opening of the national conference entitled The Role of Entrepreneurship in Supporting the Local Development Process in Algeria, at Malika Ghrib defense room, at the Faculty of Law and Political Science. Among the attendees were Dr. Sarah Kouider Rabah, vice-rector in charge of external relations, cooperation and scientific activities, Dr. Abdessamad Okab and Prof. Mahmoud Chargui, respectively, dean and head of field at the said faculty, and Dr. Salim Al-Ayeb, head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations. Other attendees were representatives of the People’s Assembly of the wilaya of Blida, namely, Dr. Abderrazzak Boucetta, and the chairman of the local development and investment commission at the APW Blida, Mr. Abdelhadi Rachidi, the director of support and integration of the wilaya of Blida, Dr. Fahima Daoua, representative of the Directorate of Vocational Training of the Wilaya of Blida, Dr. Hadj Aissa Sid Ahmed, head of the incubator of the University of Blida 2, as well as Dr. Mohamed Boubkira, director of the Center for Technological Support and Innovation.
Prof. Ramoul confirmed that the theme of the conference was in line with the efforts made by the Algerian Government, which is active in including and encouraging entrepreneurial thought and emerging institutions within the Algerian university.

He stressed, in particular, on the fact that the new vision of the higher education and scientific research sector is to train students with a new perspective that goes beyond previous traditional proposals, where students obtain a university degree and wait for opportunities employment in the public service. In contrast, the rector added, the new entrepreneurial reasoning aims to train students who have the ability to embody their creative ideas within the framework of a start-up under the aegis of the incubator and the Center for technological and innovation support from the University of Blida 2.
Prof. Ramoul also said that the University of Blida 2 is among the pioneering Algerian universities, which set up these new centers and operated them in strengthening the new orientation of the higher education and scientific research sector.
In this context, he confirmed that it has offered about 65 premises to student owners of start-ups, and that the Scientific Council of the University Incubator, and after studying 540 submitted projects, retained 95.
For his part, the dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science confirmed that the issue of entrepreneurship has become one of the objectives of the Algerian Government, in particular, of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which has adopted a new policy that reflects this orientation in order to encourage entrepreneurial thinking among students, since the university is the place where ideas, innovation and creativity thrive. As for Dr. Abdessamad Okab, the latter informed that the University of Blida 2 has taken all the necessary support and accompaniment measures to devote this approach and encourage students to adopt entrepreneurial thinking.
The president of the conference, Dr Asma Boukharouba, said that the theme of entrepreneurship aims to create small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as start-ups. She added that this orientation targets young people in the first place, and that the university, as one of the social partners, works to make proposals, recommendations and scientific ideas as well as to provide assistance to young people for a promising future that values ​​the path of local development and builds the national economy.