Home / Home latest news / A national forum on the provisions of unconstitutionality (inspired by the debate on organic law 18-16 of 02 September 2018 on 23-24 June 2019)

A national forum on the provisions of unconstitutionality (inspired by the debate on organic law 18-16 of 02 September 2018 on 23-24 June 2019)

The Faculty of Law and Political Science, under the supervision of the University Presidency and with the Laboratory of Governance and Sustainable Development, and the contribution of the Center for Constitutional Studies and Research at the Constitutional Council and the Lawyers’ Organization of Blida, organized on 23-24 June 2019 a national forum on the provisions of unconstitutionality (inspired by the debate on organic law). 18-16 of 02 September 2018.

The forum was opened through a video dedicated to this demonstration, through which was given a brief about the University of Blida 2 Lunissi Ali and the pedagogical and strategic possibilities that ridicule, as well as the definition of the Forum and its objectives and the purpose of its organization.

In his speech, the President of the Forum, Dr. Jamal Bin Salem, focused on the organizational stages that preceded him and on the number of interventions selected to suit the theme of the forum and scientific and legal motivation.

The speech was referred after the President of the Forum to the President of the Bar Association, Mr. Abdul Aziz Majdouba, who in turn talked about the importance of the participation of the justice system of lawyers, judges and agents of the Republic in such forums, which enhances the ties of cooperation and exchange between the university and the justice system also talked about organic law No. 18-16 of 02-09-2018 outlining all the modalities and procedures used before the various judicial bodies to push the unconstitutionality and the Constitutional Council and then referred the word to the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Dr. Eqab Abdel Samad, who delivered his speech Shaker the organizing staff of the demonstration.

In the end, the honorary president of the forum, Mr. Ramoul Khalid, President of the University of Lounisi Ali Blida 2, welcomed the dignitaries present in the forum, including members of the justice system, trade union lawyers and university officials. He also praised the role and efforts exerted by the organizing committee to make the demonstration a success. the official.