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National University Games 16 in Blida from 22 to 29 June 2018

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Minister of Youth and Sports, the Algerian Federation of University Sports, in coordination with the State Association of University Sports in Blida, organized the 16th National University Games during the period from 22 to 29 June 2018 in the province of Blida. The attendance of Mr. Wali of Blida Province, Director of Blida University 02 Lounisi Ali, Director of Blida University 01 Saad Dahlab, in addition to the Director of University Services in Afroun and Director of University Services in Blida.

The sports event was attended by 1,500 students representing 30 states, competing in five Olympic sports: athletics, handball, basketball, volleyball and judo. All the necessary possibilities have been provided to make it successful: Mustafa Chaker track and field, Abdelkader Maazouza volleyball hall, Mohamed Maazouza basketball sports hall, Hassan Shaalan handball hall and El Afron sports hall for the judo.

This event is of great importance as it qualifies for the selection of the best athletes to enable them to participate in the African University Games scheduled from 02 to 06 July in Ethiopia.

The closing ceremony of the 16th National University Games was held at the University of Blida 1, attended by the governor of the province of Blida, the director of the University of Blida 2, the director of the University of Blida 1, the Director of Youth and Sports of the province of Blida, local authorities …, where the successful athletes were honored on the sidelines This is a ceremony.