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Framework Agreement between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research represented by the Blida 2 University

A framework agreement was signed between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research represented by the University of Lounici Ali Blida 2 and the Marine Works Complex “Gitrama”.

In the framework of the opening of the university to its socioeconomic environment and the search for self-financing resources and the promotion of university research and its status to serve its surroundings, and on the occasion of the opening of the fifteenth edition of the International Salon of Public Works 2017 at the Pine Maritime Exhibitions Palace – Algiers, was signed today 28 November 2017 A framework agreement was signed between the University of Lounisi Ali Blida II, represented by its directors, Prof. Khaled Ramoul, and the Marine Works Complex (GETRAMA), represented by the President and Director General, Mr. Akhrouf Boualam, in the presence of the Ministers of the two sectors and representatives of correspondents of national television and radio channels.

This agreement aims at the overall framework of scientific cooperation and promotion of scientific research in areas of common interest, whether through the organization of scientific conferences or exchange of experiences or participate in the preparation of scientific research and projects and programs attached to the Convention.

In addition to receiving the complex for students of Blida University 2 in the organization of graduates and training courses according to the available specializations that are compatible with the nature of its activity, not to mention the conclusion of special and specific contracts in the future between the university colleges and directorates of the complex and its companies on the basis of a book of conditions prepared in advance, for the purpose of training in Gradient and post-gradient sections or composition based on demand.

In the future, a joint committee will be set up between the two parties to work out a program for the implementation of this agreement.