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University of Blida 2 Lounici Ali: Professors and Researchers Discuss the Development and the Repercussions of the Ukrainian Crisis

A national conference entitled The Contexts of the Ukrainian Crisis and Its Repercussions on the International System was organized this morning, 12-14-2022, in the Dissertation Defense Room Malika Gharib of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Governance and Sustainable Development, in the presence of the head of the field of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and the head of the Department of Political Science.
The president of the conference, Dr. Abdelkader Soufi, confirmed in his opening speech that the topic of the conference was of great importance on the international scale in regards to the consequences of the Ukrainian crisis and its development. He added that this carries with it a cross-disciplinary intersection that seeks to build a clear perception to understand the interactions and complexities of the Ukrainian scene.
The speaker stated that what the Ukrainian crisis is currently witnessing accurately reflects a transitional phase of the international system, considering that what is happening now in Ukraine, despite being purely European, carries
international connotations in terms of actors, dynamics and results.
The main question of the conference focused on answering and searching for the causes, dynamics and repercussions of the Ukrainian crisis on all political,economic, legal and energy levels.
The conference targeted the following main objectives:
– Revealing the causes of the Ukrainian crisis and shedding light on the disputed interests between the West, led by the United States of America and Russia.
– Highlighting the socio-economic transformations resulting from the Ukrainian crisis and its repercussions on international actors.

– Highlighting the roles of the various direct and indirect main actors in the Ukrainian crisis.