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Academic Training for Officers of the National Gendarmerie

Within the framework of the agreement concluded between the University of  Blida 2 Lounici Ali and the Higher School of the National Gendarmerie in Zeralda, with regard to the pedagogical tutelage of the University of Blida 2
Lounici Ali, to offer an open Master of Criminal Sciences at the school level, and which guarantees through it an integrated academic training for the officers of the National Gendarmerie from all scientific and field aspects, based on a criminological theory background that takes into consideration the developments in the scientific and technical field, And based on what is referred to above, the intern officers received a high-level academic training that was supervised by professors from the professorship rank at the University of Blida 2 Lounici Ali, for three consecutive semesters.

In parallel, the officers were compelled to carry out field training in the above-mentioned university, at the laboratory of crime deviation between culture and social representations, as well as to have access to bibliographical references from both the libraries of the faculty and of the university.

The intern officers were present on Sunday, February 6 th , 2021, to initiate the internship, and were received by the University Rector, Prof. Khaled Ramoul,who welcomed them and reassured them that they would get the necessary help to complete their research in good circumstances. Furthermore, the Rector listened to the officers concerns and gave instructions to the vice-rectors and the deans to extend a helping hand to the intern-officers, as an embodiment of the university's outlook on the external environment, especially when it comes to an institution for its symbolism and constant keenness to respect science.
After that, the Rector announced the start of the field internship, which will last for three months.