Home / Home latest news / Release n°02 by the local cell in charge of monitoring the curriculum for the academic year 2021-2022, to the university community of the University of Blida 2 Lounici Ali

Release n°02 by the local cell in charge of monitoring the curriculum for the academic year 2021-2022, to the university community of the University of Blida 2 Lounici Ali

– In application of the decisions of the high authorities related to the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic within the university community,
– Following the correspondence of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, n° 84/SG/2022, dated 01/20/2022,
– Following the correspondence of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, n˚121/SG/2022, dated 01/27/2022, Following the meeting of the Local Cell of the University of Blida 2, which was held on 01/30/2022 at ten o’clock, After a long debate which lasted two and a half hours, and after the interventions of all the members of the cell, it was decided as follows:
1. Schedule the gradual resumption of suspended educational activities and university works, starting Sunday 01/30/2022,
2. Resume the first semester exams, starting Tuesday 01/02/2022, taking into account the particularity of each faculty, and strict compliance with health protocol, with the possibility of reviewing the sections division system and using all university spaces,
3. Validate the schedule for the second semester,
4. Strictly apply health protocol within the university, university spaces and university works, in particular transport and food,
5. Reassure all students to reschedule catch-up exams for the benefit of those who were unable to take them due to Coronavirus infection, according to organizational procedures (schedule of catch-up exams will be published later),
and ensure that absences are not counted during the assessment, upon presentation of a medical certificate,

6. Invite teachers to inject second semester teaching materials via the Moodle distance learning platform,
7. Postpone the organization of all forms of gatherings within the spaces of the University of Blida 2 (conferences, seminars, etc.),
8. Continue the vaccination process within the university community and intensify awareness-raising activity with all the media and means of communication available,
9. Count all registered Covid 19 cases among teachers, students and administrative staff,
10. Call to reassure the university community and to take the necessary precautions and measures to avoid the transmission of infection by Covid 19,
11. These procedures remain subject to the evolution of the epidemiological situation at national level, which would give rise, if necessary, to a meeting of the local cell in charge of monitoring the progress of the 2021/2022 academic
Let’s all be united to preserve our health.

لتحميل البيان رقم 02 للخلية المحلية المكلفة بمتابعة سير السنة 2021-2022