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Signing a partnership agreement and scientific cooperation with the charity Kavel orphan of the province of Blida

In an effort to open up to its socioeconomic environment, Blida University II, represented by its President, Prof. Khalid Ramoul, signed a partnership and scientific cooperation agreement with the Charity Society of Kafel El Yateem for the Wilayat of Blida represented by its President, Mr. Chaouati Ali. And activating studies in the social and areas of common interest.

The agreement was signed at the KT hotel in Blida on the occasion of the conclusion of the Kafel Orphan Association cooperation agreement with Al Salam Bank to finance projects for the benefit of widows and orphans carrying economic projects, as well as the signing of a cooperation agreement with the company “Nasli”.

The signing of the agreements was attended by the Secretary General of the State of Blida, the local and security authorities, as well as the directors of economic institutions.

This signing will be followed by coordination meetings between the University and the Kafel Orphan Charitable Society to develop a joint cooperation program, led by the opening of training by university professors and experts with various scientific disciplines for the benefit of project holders, for training in project management or micro enterprises and marketing …, and topics Other related.