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Lecture on “Albert Camus” by Professor Alice Kaplan of Yale University, USA

On June 23, 2019, the University of Blida 2 organized a lecture on the work of “ Albert Camus ” by Professor Alice Kaplan of Yale University in the United States of America, which published a book entitled The Search for the Stranger for the publishing house Barzakh in 2018.

The lecture started at 11:00 in the presence of a group of research professors and doctoral students and masters of the Faculty of Arts and Languages ​​for all disciplines (French literature, language sciences, translation, and teaching foreign language).

After the opening speech of Dr. Qwaider Rabeh Sarah, in which she welcomed the attendees and emphasized the importance and scientific value of such lectures by university researchers, Professor Bakat Amina was given the floor to present the literature and the academic course of the American lecture, as well as to talk about the lecture topic of the founding text of the existential theory and the status of the famous novel. Odd ”for“ Albert Camus ”in world literature.

Through her research and presentation, Alice Kaplan demonstrated the origins of the “L’Etranger” and the conditions and social context that preceded the author’s writing of the novel, namely, about colonial Algeria, the situation of the indigenous Algerian population and their relationship with the colonial society.

The lecture included many questions and discussions raised by the research students, reflecting the continued interest in the writings of the French writer of Algerian origin.