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First National Forum on: Intellectual Property in the Era of Digitization

The University of Blida 2, Faculty of Law and Political Science, organized a special session on: Intellectual Property in the Era of Digitization.

The forum opened with a speech to the President of the Forum d. Amara Masouda After listening to the national anthem and reciting Quranic verses, she mentioned the objectives of the forum, its theme and its implications, and then referred the word to the director of the laboratory of digitization and law in Algeria. Sherif Haniyeh welcomed the attendees and the organizers of the forum, and then presented the Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Abbas satisfied to talk about the scientific aspect of the demonstration and the number of interventions, which totaled 150 interventions.

In a brief speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science welcomed the attendees, the participants of the Ph.D. students and the officials present from the Rector, Prof. Ramool Khalid and the Rector of the University for External Relations. Dr. Qwaider Rabeh Sarrah, Researcher in the Center for Research, Communication and Technical Media Dahman Majeed also thanked the professors and employees for their success in the academic year 2018-2019.

Finally, the speech was referred to the honorary president of the forum, Prof. Ramoul Khaled, Rector of Blida 2 University, where he also welcomed the attendees, professors and those who attended the demonstration. Announcing distance from the opening of the demonstration.