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Visit of the President of the University field inspection of faculties

Within the framework of the field visits to the faculties programmed by the President of the University Professor Ramoul Khaled from Sunday 26/11/2017 to 29/11/2017, in order to get acquainted with the status of the running of the faculties in all aspects: pedagogy, logistics, as well as the status of disbursement of the budget for the fiscal year 2017, In this regard, the President of the University today made a second programmed visit to the Faculty of Arts and Languages, where a meeting was held today 28 November at the College headquarters at ten o’clock in the morning accompanied by his deputies and the Secretary-General of the University as well as the Sub-Director of Finance and Accounting, in the presence of the Dean, Vice-Presidents and heads of departments in addition to the President of the Council General Secretary of the College and some managers Almkhabro representatives from the Masters.

The President of the University opened the session Hello everyone, followed by a presentation by the officials of the College concerning the pedagogical aspect, scientific research, scientific activities and events, as well as the status of the consumption of the budget for 2017, for his part, the Vice-Rectors intervened to comment and provide clarifications, each according to his specialty and area of ​​powers.

After the discussion and dialogue on many issues, the dean of the college presented the requirements needed for the benefit of his college and the shortcomings that have been encountered in its management, especially with regard to the overcrowding due to lack of halls. In conclusion, the University President Professor Ramool Khalid praised the efforts made by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages ​​Mr. Abdali Saeed and the crew The administrative accompanying him with his focus on the need to ensure the concerns of students and professors and ensure the provision of comfortable conditions for study and teaching, as well as opening new specialties in the field of foreign languages ​​encouraging scientific research at all levels as well as scientific events that organize College name or in the name Mkhabrha, and As for classroom teaching university president has called for a full and rational exploitation of the halls of the comprehensive coordination between the heads of departments of the faculty, as well as deans of other colleges put under the disposition of some of the halls for the benefit of students of the Faculty of Arts and Languages.

Finally, the Rector welcomed every initiative from the college that seeks to develop scientific research and the university, and all attendees expressed their support for this initiative and encouraged its continuation due to the atmosphere of interactive dialogue and exchange of views and the search for effective solutions to address all the issues of seriousness and effective.