المجلات العلمية
*المجلات المصنفة في الصنف -ج-
Couverture | Description |
![]() | The creativity journal is an annual, refereed, and it is a free academic Journal published by the research laboratory on creativity and change of organizations and Foundations, University of Blida 02- Algeria. The Journal publishes academic research for researchers and professionals, this giving researchers the opportunity to introduce their original scientific output, and providing an academic platform to contribute to innovative work in this field. The Journal focuses its publications in the fields of economics, administration, finance, accounting and researches related to the economic, commercial and management fields. The Journal also aims to raise its level of research published, and scientific recognition by universities and academic researchers of national, Arab countries and in the world and seeking to be ranked, including the indexing data for scientific journals. The Journal also publishes the original scientific studies and researches, which reflect the latest research and developments in the practical aspects of the national economy, society and human behavior. A team of arbitrators in various relevant disciplines from national universities and international which arbitrate the articles. Since its establishment in 2011. The magazine publishes its research in three languages: Arabic, English and French, to be published in December of each year, and the author of the accepted article can obtain the certificate of publication of the article أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | The AFAQ Journal of Sociology is a scientific journal published by the Department of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Blida2. It aims to disseminate the work of researchers in all branches of sociology. It covers the following areas: Education, Human Factors and Work Environment, Cultural Studies, Urban Studies, Anthropology, Demography, Social Work, Sociology of Health, Sociology and Political Science, Social Psychology, Sociology of Religion and Sociology of Sport. The journal accepts translations of modern Western sociological studies, readings and critical analysis of theoretical studies in the field of sociology. It also focuses on serious, authentic and original themes that conform to a scientific methodology in the three languages: Arabic, French and English. أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | The Journal "ECONOMIC RESEARCH" is a semi-annual academic journal; edited by the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences of the University of Blida 2. It covers several fields of scientific research and original papers in: Macroeconomics, Money - Finance - Accounting - Governance - Management - Human Resources Management - Marketing - Education - Health - Poverty - Unemployment-Employment . It is aimed at teachers-researchers, doctoral students and students in economics and management sciences and authers - researchers. The journal "ECONOMIC RESEARCH" aims to promote the scientific contributions of researchers by highlighting the results of their work, and to submit to criticism their thoughts and their research in economics and management. The journal publishes articles in three languages: Arabic, French and English. Draft articles submitted to the Journal of Economic Research must deal with original works that have not been the subject of an earlier publication. the articles published in the "R.ECO" Journal must be conceptually rigorous but be written in such a way as to be accessible to both informed and non-specialist readers of a particular discipline or research method, and to place a strong emphasis on the implications of subject treated. أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | Management and Development Research and Studies Review is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Faculty of Economic, Commercial Studies and Management Sciences Ali Lounici University – Blida2, Algeria. The journal focuses on the following topics: Economics; Marketing; Management; Finance and Accounting.The journal aims are to disseminate sciences within the framework of its specialization. It targets postgraduate students, professors and all researchers, whether in research or academic circles, government departments or economic institutions at the national and international levels. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. The journal carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of Management; Development; Economics, society and human behaviors. The journal is published in both print and online versions.The research projects are published in three languages: Arabic, English and French. All papers around the world are very welcome in our International Journal. أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | The Economic and Human Development Magazine is a biannual, non-profit, specialized scientific magazine. It is published and edited by Algeria's Economic and Human Development Laboratory, of ALI LOUNICI University - BLIDA 2 - This scientific magazine, aims at contributing to the development and dissemination of knowledge. It is dedicated to the dissemination of authentic scientific research in the economy, Economics and Finance, Business and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration, Accounting and International Management, Technology and Innovation, Marketing, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Information Systems and Management, Tourism and Hotel Management. It aims also at disseminating sciences in its specialized context and its targets are graduate students, university professors and all researchers, whether in research or academic circles, government departments or economic institutions at the national and international levels. As well as the dissemination of economic data, to Arab, regional and international, and all that contribute at boosting the economic culture. Its management and business arbitration are supervised by a large number of researchers and experts in various fields of economics, trade and management sciences, from the country and from abroad. Therefore it publishes researches in three languages: Arabic, English and French أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | It is a scientific journal published every six months by the Laboratory of Organizational Development and Human Resources Management, designed to support scientific research by selecting the best and most interesting research and scientific studies, with the aim of promoting scientific research and to highlight the outputs, it targets researchers among teachers and students interested in Human Resources, organizational behavior and human resources management, tourism and hotel management, industrial relations, leadership and management, development, human factors and work environment, public management and social work. The journal is interested in serious, authentic and original themes conform to a scientific methodology in the three languages Arabic, French and English. أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | الصوتيات : حولية (سنوية ) أكاديمية محكمة متخصصة تصدر عن مخبر اللغة العربية وآدابها بكلية الاداب واللغات بجامعة البليدة 2 لونيسي علي - البليدة - الجزائر تهتم المجلة بنشر البحوث الرصينة والاصيلة في مجال الصوتيات والمعجمية والمصطلحية بالعربية والانجليزية تهدف المجلة لترقية النشر العلمي في التأليف الموسوعي والفهرسي بغية انشاء موسوعة عالمية للبحوث الصوتية وتمهيدا لترجمتها للغات الحية ، تستهدف المجلة المتخصصين في الصوتيات العربية والغربية والمعجميات والمصطلحية وكذا المهتمين بحوسبة اللغة العربية في جانبها الصوتي سيما البرمجيات المتعلقة بتحليل الصوت أو الموجهة للتعليم الصوتي ، والبرمجيات في المجال المعجمي كصناعة المعاجم الالكترونية وكيفية نشرها في الوسط الجامعي وترحب كثيرا بأبحاث الحاسوب المهتمة بالمصطلح تحليلا وتوليدا تنشر الابحاث في الصوتيات والمعجمية وعلم المصطلح تنشر المجلة للباحثين الأكادميين وطلبة الدكتوراه تنشر الأبحاث باللغة العربية والانجليزية تنشر المجلة الأعمال الأصلية مادة وتوثيقا وتسعى لتوفير مادتها الكترونيا وورقيا للمهتمين بزيارة المخبر باحثين وطلبة دكتوراه وتفتح ابواب النقاش والنقد لكل محتواها المنشور أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | مجلة المــــــدوّنة أكاديمية محكّـــمة سداسية تصدر عن مخبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية بقسم اللغة العربية وآدابها ـــــ كلية الآداب واللغات ــــ جامعة البليدة2 - المجلة تعنى بنشر البحوث العلمية الأصيلة المقدّمة إليها في مجال الأدب والنّقد والفلسفة باللغات العربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية والإيطالية تستهدف المجلة الباحثين من طلبة وأساتذة خاصة المتخصصين في مجالات المجلة وخطها الافتتاحي. - كما يتوسع مجالها إلى العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية التي تتقاطع في مواضيعها مع البحوث النقدية والأدبية والفلسفية وحتى اللغوية كعلم اجتماع الاتصال وعلم النفس التربوي وعلوم الإعلام والاتصال والفكر الفلسفي الحديث والمعاصر وكذا علوم الشريعة في شقها العقائدي خصوصا ما تعلق بأصول الدين في شاكلة علوم القرآن والتاويل وما تعلق بهما - تهدف المجلة إلى الرقي العلمي بالمسائل الآنف ذكرها بما يسهم في تطوير عجلة البحث العلمي عامة - كما تهدف إلى عرض المواضيع الجادة الجديدة المسايرة لحركة المجتمع بما يبقيها على مقربة منه. - تهدف المجلة إلى رؤية شاملة بغية حجز مكان لها في قائمة المجلات العلمية العالمية المحكمة والرصينة عن طريق جلب خيرة الأقلام المختصة في حدود مجالها أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | Journal of Tax Studies is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal, published twice a year by the Laboratory of Challenges of the Algerian Tax System in Light of Economic Transitions, Faculty of Economic, Business and Management Sciences, University of Blida 2 - Algeria. The journal is concerned with publishing original studies and research that has not been previously published, and respects the fundamentals of scientific research and scientific methodology for writing and editing scientific articles in the field of taxation and public finance. All manuscripts and studies that reach the journal are subject to review by the editorial board first, , and then sent to referees with experience and specialization in the field of research, who are appointed by the editorial board of the journal. The journal welcomes research and studies from all researchers across the world in the two languages: English and Arabic. The journal encourages critical studies as well as applied research related to the journal's scope, whether those submitted by international researchers, or those adopted by research and study centers and laboratories. أرشيف المجلة |
*المجلات الغير المصنفة
Couverture | Description |
![]() | مجلة القانون العقاري، مجلة علمية دولية محكمة، تصدر عن مخبر القانون والعقار، وتهدف إلى إتاحة الفرصة لكافة الباحثين لنشر إنتاجهم العلمي الذي يتصف بالأصالة والجدية، في مجال العقار، مع الالتزام بأخلاقيات البحث العلمي، والمنهجية العلمية. وتقوم المجلة بنشر الأبحاث والدراسات العلمية، التي لم سبق نشرها، وتتمثل في: البحوث الأصلية، وتقارير المؤتمرات والملتقيات والندوات العلمية، وملخصات الرسائل العلمية المميزة الموصى بنشرها، ويتم النشر فيها باللغة العربية، الفرنسية والإنجليزية، ويتم قبول نشر كل بحث مستوفي للقواعد والشروط والمعايير.أرشيف المجلة |
![]() | المجلة الجزائرية للأداء الاقتصادي تهتم بمختلف المجالات المتعلقة بالاقتصاد بشقيه الكلي و الجزئي، فهي مجالا خصب لأراء و إثراءات ووجهات نظر إضافة إلى التحليلات و كذا الحلول والمقترحات و التوصيات لمختلف الخبراء الاقتصاديين، حول الأحداث المختلفة التي تؤثر و تتأثر بمختلف المتغيرات الاقتصادية، وهي تذهب في ذلك إلى دراسة أداء الاقتصاد الجزائري وكذا الاقتصاديات المختلفة.أرشيف المجلة |